Kenyatta University(KU), Kenya Grading System and Pass Marks 2025/2026 for all Courses including diploma, certificate, Undergraduates, Postgraduate and others degree programmes.

Kenyatta University Pass Marks 2025/2026:
The common regulations for the University/School examinations shall apply. The course
grading will be based primarily on continuous assessments (30%) and a final examination (70%)
for both theory and ractical units. Credit waivers will be given as per university policy after
- The pass mark in all courses shall be 40%. Each unit shall be marked out of 100. The marks shall be translated into literal grades as follows: – A = 70-100; B = 60 – 69; C = 50 –
59; D = 40 – 49; E = 0 – 39.
Kenyatta University Grading System
- However, Schools with unique examination regulations and grading systems will specify their requirements in the relevant sections of the calendar.
- Candidates will be required to have a public presentation (colloquium) of the findings of their
Ph.D. thesis. Grading system 70 %– 100 %( A) Distinction, 60%-69% (B) Credit, 50% – 59 %( C) Pass, Below 50(D) Fail
- Grading after examinations for all units shall be as follows: 70-100 (A), 60-69 (B), 50-59(C),
0-49 (E) (Fail). The pass mark is 50%. A candidate who gets less than 50% shall sit for a
supplementary examination that shall be marked to a maximum of 50%.
- However, the grading system for purposes of admission to postgraduate studies or recommendations for employment in the MLS profession shall be as follows: 75% -100% Distinction, 60 – 74 %, Credit, 50 – 59 %Pass, 49% and Below Fail.
NB: The transcripts shall contain only the remark: Distinction, Credit, Pass or Fail
- A candidate who fails more than two units offered shall be discontinued. Grading system shall be as follows: Score of 49% and below is FAIL. A score of 50 – 59% is C. Score of 60 – 69% is B. Score of 70% and above is A
- a) Letter (I) representing an incomplete grade, is used at the end of the semester only and is
not used during the withdrawal period.
- b) It is assigned to a student who, because of reasons acceptable to the Senate is unable to
sit the final examination, and whose work is in good standing.
- c) Class attendance shall not be a requirement to complete the course.
- d) The grade (I) will be considered failing if the work is not made up by the next relevant
examination sitting. After this period the (I) will be changed to failing grade “E”
i.e. = Zero score.
See also
- Kenyatta University
- Kenyatta University Grading System and Pass Marks
- Kenyatta University Intake 2025/2026
- Kenyatta University Portal
- Kenyatta University Admission Letters