DeKUT e-Learning Portal Dedan Kimathi University of Technology. To access the E-Learning portal, you must be a bona fide student of KUCT or a member of staff. This page will guide your changing your password, login into the portal and download and upload academic materials.

DeKUT e-Learning Portal
- Through the E-Learning Centre, KUCT is preparing to set up a virtual campus to offer Distance Learning. Distance learning will enhance flexibility, convenience and affordability to students and staff. We are also modifying our E-learning portal to allow for easy access via mobile phones.
- Kimathi University College of Technology has joined the league of higher learning institutions worldwide to provide education through e-learning. Through its E-Learning platform, lecturers in KUCT are providing students with an easier way to access course materials hence raising the efficiency in the delivery of lectures, tutorials, and practicals. The use of E-Learning has been embraced by all programs available in KUCT and at all levels; Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Masters, and Ph.D.
- The Merits of this mode of delivery extend to the lecturers-especially at the doctorate level who may be in far-flung countries and are able to deliver lectures online.
- With respect to e-learning, KUCT has true to its motto, made life better through technology.
For more information go to
Collection of materials
Lecturers who need assistance from the E-Learning Centre in formatting and uploading of materials may send the materials via email to for assistance. They should specify the following in
the E-mail:
- Unit code
- Unit name
- School
- Department
- Course name
How to login?
- Open
- Search for Kimathi University College of Technology
- Click on KUCT website (home)
- Click on study online Button (right side of the website)
- The E-learning home page appears ( /eLearning/)
a. To access E-learning portal click E-learning Button at the top of the page
b. To access E-library Resources click E-library Resources Button at the top of the page For E-learning Portal provide your username and password.
Example :
- a. If your name is Owino Paul Mutua your username is paul.owino
NB: Your username is always in lowercase
b. Contact the e-learning for your password
For E-Library resources
- a. Click catalog link to access the KUCT Library Catalog
b. Click E-books to access electronic books
c: Click E-journals to access electronic journals
Note: For access to E-Library resources outside KUCT LAN contact the librarian ( for assistance.
How to access materials?
After you log in, you see all units you are taking in and their description current semester and their description.
- 1. Click on any to access its course materialThe course materials are displayed in weekly or topic outline
The materials are displayed in one of the following formats: - i. HTML – best for use when an internet connection is slow.
- ii. PDF – best for use when you want to download.
- iii. SCORM – best for online reading with high internet speed.
- Past papers appear either in a folder or as direct PDF links.
2. If past papers are in a folder, click the folder to access the PDF formatted past papers.
Other Content
Other than the basic course material (notes and past papers) the E-learning portal provides for:
- Video demonstrations
- E-journals
- E-books
- Online assessments
- Forums
- Chats
- Virtual classroom
These are accessed in much the same way as the materials. Online assessments may require a password and will block you from accessing any other screen other than the one with the test for the period you will be attempting the assessment.
Help and Support
Call centre
- Provides support to all users. This service is especially useful to experienced computer users.
- Provides support to users who visit our desk at any Of our campuses. This service is especially useful for first-time computer users.
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Centre for Open Distance & E-learning Nyeri-Mweiga Road P.O Box 657-10100 Nyeri-Kenya Telephone: 0708803849 Email:
See also
- Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
- DeKUT Admission Letter 2025
- DeKUT Admission and Application Form 2026
- DeKUT e-Learning Portal
- DeKUT Student Portal
- Dedan Kimathi University Contacts and Location