HELB (Higher Education Loans Board), Kenya Student Loan Applicant Account Creation: This the most effective way to create “HELB Account”. Check this page follow the step by step instruction to create HELB Loan and an Applicant Account. However, with the following a few simple steps to create a new Loan Applicant account.

HELB Account Creation
- Kenyan students who, wish to be considered for the Kenya Government Loan and Bursary should complete the necessary forms. The forms are downloaded from Higher Education Loans Board website www.helb.co.ke and forwarded to HELB offices or Huduma centres after the Dean of Students approval.
Steps for HELB Registration:
- 1.) Open Registration Form
- 2.) Complete Registration Form
- 3.) Active your Account Via Email ID
- 4.) Login to the HELB Portal.
- 5.) Complete Profile.
Step 1: Open Registration Form
- Visit HELB (Higher Education Loans Board), Student Portal portal.helb.co.ke
- Check at the top menu, click on “User Registration->Applicant Registration”
- *Applicant refers to the “Student Loan Applicant“
- A “New HELB Account Creation” form will appear.
- Please note “This registration form is for users who would like to access HELB services“.
- Now enter your “Kenya National Identity Card Number*” and “The First Name as per your National ID*”
- Finally, Click on “Validate” button.

- Note: DO NOT enter the Serial Number.
- Note: If your name is “Jhon Miguna” then type only “Jhon” as your First Name.
Step 2: Complete Registration Form
After successfully “Validate your name and “ID Number” follow the step 2 for Completing Your Registration Form.
- On successful validation will lead you into a different form with a message “ID number Found“.
- Now fill this form as mentioned below complete your registration.
- Name: (Your Name will appear automatically)
- ID Number: (Your ID Number will appear automatically)
- Cell Phone Number: Here you have to enter your Mobile Number.
- Valid Email Address: If you have a valid email ID, then enter, otherwise create a new one.
- Confirm Email Address: Retype your Email ID.
- Password: Type a simple password you can remember.
- Confirm Password: Retype your password.
- Finally, click on “Sign Up” button.

You have created an account on The HELB Portal, please check your email address to activate your account.
Step 3: Active your Account Via Email ID
After successfully “Signup” with a valid email ID, an automatic email will send by the “HELB Portal” to your email account.
- Now open your email account (if you entered a Gmail ID then login to Gmail)
- Click on “Inbox“
- Search for Email Sender Name “The Helb Portal” with subject “Account Created“.
- Open the email.
- Now click on “Click here” link to activate your account.
- This will lead to the Step 4.) Login to the HELB Portal.

Step 4: Login to the HELB Portal
- After the successful activation, you have your own email ID and Password
- Enter your ID and Password to login into the Portal.
- Or check HELB Portal How to Login?
Step 5: Complete Profile
- After Suceffsuly login into the portal, you have to fill your Personal Details information.
- You have to fill all information in this page before you can proceed.
- Current Residence Details
- Finally, Complete your profile details.